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Elevate your greenery with our Cocky White & Yellow Hanging Planter Pot. This charming piece combines contemporary design with a touch of rustic flair, perfect for adding a pop of colour to any space.

Crafted with care, this planter features a sleek white exterior complemented by a vibrant yellow accent, creating a visually striking contrast. Its dimensions of 22 x 15 x 14.5 cm provide ample space for your favourite plants to thrive.

Practicality meets style with the inclusion of a drainage hole and plug, ensuring proper water flow while allowing for easy maintenance. The addition of a jute hanger not only adds an organic touch but also offers versatile hanging options, making it ideal for both indoor and outdoor use.

Whether suspended from a ceiling hook or showcased on a patio railing, this hanging planter is sure to become a focal point in your home or garden. Bring nature indoors or elevate your outdoor oasis with the Cocky White & Yellow Hanging Planter Pot